Hello dear
Understand your concern
green vaginal discharge is mainly due to vaginal infections like
bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia or mixed infections.
SO yes it is mainly due to vaginal infection.
It is sexually transmitted so avoid sexual intercourse till you get better.
I generally prescribed following medicine and advice in vaginal infection like bacterial vaginosis:
Vaginal and pelvic examination is needed and swab can be taken to diagnose vaginal infection (swab test).
Urine test should be done. It should be treated by
Metronidazole plus
clotrimazole orally or vaginally suppository.
Use lactobacilli suppository. Wear pure cotton loose undergarments.
Mintain hygiene by intimate vaginal wash or V vaginal plus wash to maintain normal pH and
vaginal flora that prevent further infection. Drink plenty of waters.
Eat yogurt and avoid excessive sweets and yeast. Wash vagina with warm water with added apple cidar vinegar 2-3 times per day.
Maintain hygiene before and after sex. Use condoms and safe sex practice.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar