I am an occasional marijuana smoker (licensed by the state of CA). For the past few years I smoke approximately two or three times a month. Until recently, the marijuana had the intended affect and was not an issue for me. Recently I have experienced symptoms that have really concerned me. I am not smoking anymore marijuana than normal, in fact it's actually less that I normally smoke on a given occasion. It feels as if a bubble of air is trapped inside of my body and it migrates throughout my chest area, into my neck and shoulder area and finally into my head. During this time I do tend to experience a mild case of nausea but the it feels as if the nausea is trying to escape through my sinus cavity and not through my mouth (I never actually vomit). When the "bubble travels across my sternum and chest, I feel a tightness in the area which often results in a minor gasp for air. When the pain reaches my head, it travels across my face across my eyes and to the crown of my skull where it feels as if the bubble pops. Unfortunately, once the bubble pops, the process starts all over again and continues for a few hours. I often feel a flush feeling in my face during this process and it appears as if there are toxins trying to escape my body through the walls of my mouth. During this process my heart rate is not elevated in any way. I do feel slight tingling in my hand while this is happening but it is mild. This discomfort dissipates after a few hours or if I fall asleep. Does anyone have any idea as to what it is I may be experiencing? I have searched and searched for an answer on line and have not been able to come up with anything.