Yes, I m a 56 y.o. female and a type 2 Diabetic for 37 yrs. Last week my Right foot great toe started feeling pins and needles, then burning like it was on fire.Being a RN, I have always babied my feet and prided myself on still having good circulation, color and texture of my skin. This week I started experiencing a sharp stabbing pain inside my inner right ankle area. I screamed out the first couple times it happened cause I literally thought I d been stabbed by something. Extremely painful. There are no untoward signs of any obvious injury or redness, just this God awful pain! a 10/10, but luckily it is not constant.Any idea what could be causing this pain? So far, nothing relieves it and it s severe enough to make me nauseated. Thank s Dr. for all you do! I have a medical diagnosis of spinal stenosis and I have two titanium cages in my cervical spine, so severe pains have been a constant in my life for years.In January 0f 2015, I fell on icy cement stairs, injuring my neck and back and leaving me disabled,but this right foot pain, takes the cake and makes that pain seem minor. It s worse than labor pains! I can only take ES Tylenol for pain.Can it be numbed? Phyllis Burress, RN