Hi dear Rose,
Being incontinent is associated with
dehydration especially when fluid/water intake is lower than usual. This might be a cause to
dizziness (dehydration).
There are many factors causing
incontinence and they can be treated:
- enlarged prostate
urinary tract infections
- genital infections
I suggest to convince him to consult an
urologist and to run further tests:
- abdominal ultrasound
- urine analysis
to find out the real culprit to the incontinence and get it treated properly.
If it is difficult to send him to the doctor, then, ask him to:
- get some bladder training
- do some Kegel's exercise
- schedule together when to go to the bathroom
- limit/avoid coffee, energetic drinks or citrus fruit
- avoid taking fluids in the afternoon
- keep good hygiene of his genitalia and pelvic floor
Hope it helped!