Hi there,
This is difficult to say and impossible to predict without further information. A tool that is used to predict mortality is called the MELD score, and you can easily google this. It's not a perfect tool, but will give you some idea of what her mortality risk is over the next 90 days. The higher the number, the worse her prognosis is. The numbers you will need is some laboratory values such as creatnine, her
albumin, her
bilirubin levels, as well as the presence of
ascites (fluid in her belly) and encphalaopathy (mental status changes). Some newer calculations that are more accurate include her sodium levels.
Again, I'd really recommend you search for the MELD calculator online, and use the lab values you have from her last set of blood tests, and this will give you an idea of what her life expectancy is. Is there any reason why your daughter isn't a candidate for transplant? I would try to get her listed for a
liver transplant, and if you need help with this, please message me or see her physician.
I hope I have answered your questions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or if you feel I haven't addressed your question adequately.