Hello and thank you for using HCM.I carefully read your question and I understand your concern.
I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion.
This palpitations has to do with a rhythm issue . There are some electrical impulses that generates from parts of the heart different from normal
sinus rhythm.They cause a premature heart contaction that its not a normal one. You feel this like e palpitation, a skipped beat or a fluttering sensation.Also you might experience
dizziness, difficulties in breathing deeply,
There might be different causes of this rhythm issues from simple emotional
stress, coffee or energy drink consumption, alcohol consumption or pathologys like
hyperthyroidism, electrolyte imbalances ect.
If you have noticed this palpitation after alcohol consumption, than it might be the cause.
In this circumstances you can try to avoid it.
If it happens again than I would recommend some examination like a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and valves, a full blood analyze to exclude anemia, hyperthyroidism or electrolyte imbalance and of course a holter rhythm monitoring to see what are this palpitation and their frequency.
After these we can judge how to deal with them.
Hope I was helpfull.
Best regards, Dr.Ervina.