Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
When you take sweets or carbohydrates , you feel
dizziness , light headed , already a patient of hyper tension .
All these symptoms may be due to raised level of sugar in blood known as
This is a most common cause of dizziness and light headedness . Diagnosis can be confirmed by estimation of blood sugar level after 1/2 to 2 hours . This will provide you information about blood sugar level and also about
Also get urine examination for sugar level.
The 2nd reason of such symptoms may be due to hyper tension as most of sweets are prepared in ghee(fatty acid or oily ) ,so naturally oily or fatty acid substances are an avoidance for hypertensive patients , so this may be the reason. Diagnosis can be confirmed by examination of blood pressure during these symptoms.
3rd reason may be hyper acidity as most of sweets develops hyper acidity and this is most common cause of dizziness,
nausea , light headedness. Take some
antacid as this will provide relief.
In my opinion consult a physician and get his opinion or avoid sweets and greasy or spicy foods .
Good luck.