At this stage, it s a little like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted - my beloved husband died on September 3rd 2008 of liver failure. He never drank, smoked, was not diabetic and extremely fit. Two years prior to his death, a routine medical revealed raised liver enzymes (all were raised). They continued to elevate over the next six months. He was perfectly healthy externally, and asymptomatic at this time. In July 2006, an appointment with a gastro. lead us to believe that my husband was fine and that she did not need to see him again. Her assumption was that he may have passed a small stone, accounting for the elevated enzymes. He remained asymptomatic until July 26th 2008 when he became extremely unwell that night and was completely severely jaundiced the following morning. This was accompanied by extreme weight loss, fatigue, deterioration and eventually death on September 3rd 2008. I, his wife, was told that what happened to him in July 2008 was a Budd Chiari syndrome, and that the elevated liver enzymes two years previously had nothing to do with his eventual death. I cannot accept or believe this, and am still desperately seeking answers. I would greatly appreciate if you can tell me anything. My beloved Gerry was 46 years old when he died and I was 38. Thank you for your time.