I am 26/f with hypothyroidism . I take levothyroxin and my thyroid is under control. I had 3 m/c in a row. One at 20 weeks was a abortion as the fetus had fibular hemimelia in the limbs (the pathology report showed no chromosome problems), two at 6 weeks and it was a blighted ovum and the third was a chemical pregnancy. I want to get tested and find out if there are any problems and be treated accordingly before I try again. Below are the tests I was able to come up with after doing some research. Please let me know if I missed anything. Testing for Problems with the Uterus BloodTests for Lupus Anticoagulant Antibodies, Anticardiolipin Antibodies, PT and aPTT, MTHFR Gene Mutation, Protein C, Factor V Leiden, Protein S deficiency, Prothrombin gene mutation and Antithrombin III deficiency , Thyroid Panel, Karyotyping for both parents, Progesterone, Antiphospholipid antibodies, Baseline hormone profile between day 2 and 5 of your cycle including fsh, lh, prolactin and testosterone and B12 levels. Semen Analysis for my husband