Hi.I am having an issue that started when I started a new job in late August. Just a little background, before I began working my new job I m at now, I used to work from home as a graphic designer for over 3 years. While I worked at home I only moved around so much but now that I m working outside the home I have to walk more often. Every time I am on my feet now, my feet, ankles, and even legs swell up with fluid really bad. Let me be clear, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE. I am out of shape and can stand to lose a few pounds but I still have never experienced my feet blowing up like this. Only when I lay down for extended periods of time does the swelling go down but as soon as I have to get back on my feet, they begin swelling up again. have tried keeping my feet elevated and stretching and drinking lots of water, all of which do help.a little but they don t permanently solve the problem and it has me concerned that the issue may be something else.Please help me gain some clarity on this. Why am I always retaining fluid?XXXX