A sports Woman (70+ years of age) had abdominal pain with mild to moderate ascites with streakiness and nodularities in omental fat - to rule out granulomatous etiology/ peritoneal carcinomatosis, as per CT Scan Report. No pleural effusion or significant mediastinal node is noted. CT Scan report also indicated focal fibroatelectatic densities and mild bronchial wall thickening involving the lungs without any mass lesion, consolidation, or nodule. No pleural effusion or significant mediastinal node is noted. Mild fatty changes and early volume redistribution involving the liver. The pancreas shows fatty changes. No renal or ureteric calculus or hydronephrosis is seen. Intermediate widening of endometrial low attenuation with an isodense component in the cavity, (These need further evaluation, as suggested in the CT Scan report). In her blood test reports, ESR reads 55 mm/ hr. CA-125 reads 335.8 U/ml. Alpha FETO Protein 2.24 TU/ml. C-Reactive protein 44.03 mg/L. Iron (photometry) 39 M(mu)/g..... I m looking for advice on the course or treatments.......