I am a female with diabetes, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathy, essential tremors, sleep apnea, morbid obese and carpal tunnel. every 6 months to a yr I get a fever of 103, my body burnes like fire all over, freezing cold even sitting under 6 blankets. The burning is sever. My skin hurts so much I have been told Im hypersentive to touch. I have seen 2 infectious dr, gone to er 4 times, been to a neuro dr and my endrocoligist. Each episode is worse. Lasts about 48 hrs. A complete panel of bloodwork testing for other immune diseases neg. White blood count high, The infectious dr I saw yesterday suggested shy drager. I looked up the symptoms and no match. The burning pain is hoffific like my whole body is on fire. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Suggested I go to Barrows in Phoenix but insurance wont cover it.