I am a 60-year-old male in apparent good health and physically active. I take a brisk walk of 1 mile each day. Periodically, for the past year or so, I've been experiencing this problem of a mostly clear, periodic, liquid like discharging from my anus, which almost always occurs well after a bowel movement. The discharges typically last for about a day, necessitating that I change underwear multiple times during the day, or, if I'm at work, to absorb the discharge with a pad of folded up tissue paper. Sometimes, though, the discharges continue for a second day. And sometimes, due to hemorrhoids, which frequently become enlarged during the bowel movement, the discharges on occasions will initially be bloody, but that occurs rarely, and the clear discharges typically continue even after the bleeding quits, which is typically quickly. It's been about six or seven years since my last and only colonoscopy, which I had because of the rectal bleeding. There was nothing diagnosed from that, just the hemorrhoids. I had the bleeding hemorrhoids manually examined by my PCP about 4-5 years ago and he said, yep, you've got 'em. But the discharges hadn't started yet, so we didn't discuss that.