Thank you for asking on HCM!
Your symptoms don't seem to be cardiac related.
I would like to know if this pain is modulated by respiratory or body movements?
In such a case, the most probable cause of this symptomatology would be a musculo-skeletal pain.
How old are you? Do you suffer from back pain?
A thoracic nerve compression, causing irradiated
radicular pain could mimic this symptomatology too.
I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG, a chest x ray and some blood tests (
complete blood count, inflammation tests,
thyroid hormone levels, blood electrolytes, fasting
glucose, kidney and liver function tests, etc.)
A thoracic spine x ray would be needed to rule in /out a possible
vertebral column disorder, leading to radicular pain.
Hope to have been helpful!
Dr. Iliri