Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of sensation of feces getting stuck in the
anal canal for 2 days, occurs only at bed time, This happened in past also but settled eventually. On going to toilet only small part is coming out.
This is called
tenesmus and can occur due to IBS or descending perineal syndrome.
This can be diagnosed and treated as follows:
Per-rectal , proctoscopy examination followed by
Colonoscopy and CT scan abdomen to confirm or rule out any mass or stricture or such lesions which needs biopsy and further management of the disease thus found.
If all the investigations are normal, get yourself treated for functional disease.
If there is infection a course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole, probiotics and antispasmodic to get a cure.
Avoid foods and beverages that instigate or enhance such a problem and keep away from stress and