Welcome to HCM
We understand your concerns
I went through your details. Reading and writing ability is a matter of training. These abilities tend to improve on practicing and practicing depends mainly on the motivation and sustained training.
Some children may have the problem of
learning disability, a condition giving rise to learning difficulties, especially when not associated with physical disability. Learning disabilities are neurologically-based processing problems. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing and/or math. They can also interfere with higher level skills such as organization, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short term memory and attention.
If you strongly argue that the training provided to the child by the teachers and parents are up to the standard, then you could
consult a psychologist for an assessment of learning disability.
If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible.
Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome.
Good luck. Take care.