I have taken 8 pregnancy tests and all show positive. went to a doctor and had 4 blood tests done and all has shown an Hcg level for pregnancy. however i have been bleeding. 1st it was very light and only when i wiped with cramps, then it stopped for 2 days and started again like a normal red period which i got every month. my hcg levels has risen in the meantime over a 1000 so i dont know what is going on. I do not have the Hcg results, the doctor only phones me after getting the results. 1st it was 550, then went down to 400 and something, then it was 669 and now last week and Thursday it went up to 1043. its not spotting that i get now, it looks like periods. the 1st time i got it it was spotting only when i wiped but now its like normal blood red menstrual periods. Please answer me and not with more questions, reason for that is because i do not have money to pay for the next answer, i just want to know why this could be happening. this will be my 5th pregnancy, the other 4 are all healthy, normal birth and no complications and yes i had one abortion but it was more than a year ago.