Hello my niece is having a lot of trouble at the moment. Last year she had a operation on her back called Spinal Fusion and once that healed she was pain free and medication free. About 2 weeks ago she began showing these symptoms: Severe lower back pain Loss of feeling and sensation in right leg - unable to weight bare on it at all. She says that her leg feels heavy. Pain up her spine which feels like it s a stinging sensation to touch. In the last week, obviously due to all of the pain she is really fatigued and decreased appetite. Her current medications are Oxycodone (Endone), Panadol, Brufen and last night commenced on Valium. They have done xrays of her back, cts and mri of back, and mri of her brain, and lumbar puncture, and copious amounts of blood tests. I realise that you wont know the results of those tests, but they are still saying that they have no idea what is going on. Please can you help. Adele