Two days before, the morning out of a sudden, i noticed that my face suddenly got bloated . It is still the same today. My jaw widened and as it felt as if that my face was fat out of the blue. I am not overweight nor eats lots of carbs. I get plenty of water everyday. I have been a vegetarian since birth and i do not eat out at all , so it cannot be that i ate something that caused this reaction as i eat pretty much the same since birth. For your information, i do have some acne on my face which is on treatment with my dermatologue. But i cannot understand how the sudden change in appearance in my face. I noticed that some weeks ago as well but it went away on its own after one day but now i'm on the third day and still nothing. What do you think could be the cause and are the some OTC products that i could use to relieve from that as i am a person who deals with the public everyday and my physical appearance matters very much.
Thank you.