I am a 47year old female with an unremarkable past health history. I am 5 6 and weigh 150. I recently put on 10lbs in the past 3 months, without changing my eating habits. I exercise about 4x/week on average. Mostly walking 5miles at a pretty good pace. About a month ago I started having a different sensation in my right arm/hand. It started out with the pad under the thumb becoming swollen and sore, no burning sensation, just sore to touch. Then a week later, my elbow started hurting. At first I thought I must of hit it on something, it was sore on the outer side. Now I am experiencing a heaviness feeling in my bicep area. I can wake up at night and have to pick my arm up with my other arm. (Its like I cant move it and loss of sensation) It now is a constant sensation of heaviness and radiates down my arm. I have also had some pain in my right hip and right leg. Not near as significant as my arm. In the past 2 weeks, I have been nauseated and eating does not make it go away. My vision has also changed significantly in the past year, mostly my right eye. I have always has a weaker right eye I have worn glasses since the 7th grade. My blood pressure typically runs 115/70. No history of cardiac problems. Parents both with hypertension and cancer (breast and prostate). Dad also has diabetes.