Hi,Welcome to HCM.
Ans-Causes of burning pain in genitals during passing stools?
Based on query data,you seem to have
Vaginitis with
Urethritis with Proctitis with
Fissure in Ano /or Infected Piles,which needs to be physically examined and treated from a special doctor.
If you have not done it earlied I would advise you to consult your family doctor and a Surgeon,at his referrence,who would be right doctor to direct you for further treatment after fixing the cause of Burning Genitals ,especially while peeing.
Most commonly
Candidiasis,with whitish look and vagianal burning /urinal burning,is caused due to the private part infection causing Vaginitis and urethritis.
Even your lady family doctor would help you out,after examination.
Second Opinion from Surgeon would rule out any special things for which you need to consult and get directions further treatment from him accordingly.
Few Tips-suggested for better Hygiene of private parts-
Front to back cleaning of the Private Parts after each stool or urination act,would keep you away from this complication which you have.
Hope this would help you to plan treatment with your doctor.
Will appreciate your review write up and hitting thanks,to help needy patient visitors like you at HCM.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist.