Hi, about 4-5 months ago a small 5-10mm patch appeared on my scrotum. The patch was a discoloured light pink/whitish patch that was noticeable, but not so much so when i stretched the skin out. It also went flakey sometimes, where the flakes were very easy to wipe off, and it was itchy sometimes i think. The same thing appeared on another patch of my scrotum about the same size and was itchy occasionally too i think, but didn t go flakey from what i remember. It was the same kind of discoloured pink colour. Then a few months later a similar patch appeared on my penile shaft and is still here. Its a discoloured pale colour, but it doesn t really go flakey or itchy from what i remember, its just there. I forgot to mention that none of these patches have ever caused me any discomfort, no pain, no bleeding, no cracking, and they don t stick up, they are flat. Now the patches on my scrotum have disappeared but the one on my penile shaft remains. The one of my penile shaft is about the same size, maybe a bit smaller than than the ones on my scrotum, and its on the top of my penis in the middle of it. Now very recently, a smaller red patch and appeared on the side of my penile shaft, and is a bit wrinkled. It appears to be more prominent than the others and is a darker colour. Now, around about the same time that the fist patch on my penis appeared, i think a bit before, a discoloured itchy, flakey pale pink patch appeared on my left cheek, and has been growing since. It isn t very noticeable but you can see it, and it has now very slightly appeared on my right cheek. I went to the doctors for the patch on my cheek only and was given Clotrimazole Thrush Cream as the doctor said it looks like a fungal infection. So ive started using the cream on my face and without clarifying with the doctor, or even telling her about the patch on my penis i started using it on that too. The patch on my penis seems to be fading slightly but the ones on my face dont seem to be. I havent had the second patch on my penis long enough to see if the cream is working on it. Shortly after the very first patch appeared on my scrotum, i had unprotected sex with a girl who has slept with quite a few males. She didnt have any symptoms from what i could feel (it was in the dark so i couldnt see). I got tested for HIV, Syphilis, Chlamidia and ghonorrea, all of which came back negative. I think that the patches that have appeared after i had sex was due to the very first patch, which i had before i had sex, because of the similar qualities. Im not sure if the genital patches are linked with the ones on my face. Do these patches seem like an STD or STI? I have a feeling they are fungal, i hope the cream end up getting rid of them but i am not sure. Very sorry for the length of this, please help. Thanks.