Hi,Dear thanks for the query to HCM virtual Clinic.
I studied your query in all the details put forth by you.
I understood your health concerns.
My replies are as follows-
The problem of small hard lump above the scar area indicates only the underlying granulation around the FB of suture threads used if done by open method.
In case its done by endoscopic / laparascopic route,then this could be resolving
hematoma around the entry points.
But the scar referred in your query confirms that it could be done by open standard incision method.
The fact that lump feels uncomfortable confirms the healing process in the operated tissue in the abdominal wall.Don't worry of any organ and surrounding areas to be there.
If the problem causes more discomfort or it increases in size with pain and
fever,you should consult your operating surgeon.
Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction.
Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at HCM.
Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience ,which would improve my rating for many other visitor's to HCM.
Wishing you fast recovery.
Have a good day.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Consultant.