I have multiple knots that have formed on my fingers at the joints. They are agonizingly painful. My fingers get hot and red and they feel like needles are being stuck in them. I have two knots on my right pinkie finger, 2 on my rt fourth finger, 2 on my rt middle finger, 2 on my index finger, none on thumb, on my left hand I have multiple cysts on my first and second joint of my pinky, two on my fourth finger, one on my middle finger, 2 on my left index and none on thumb. I am to the point that I almost can t work due to the pain. I have been to two doctors, an orthopedic surgeon who sent me to a neurologist who is sending me to a rheumatologist. The. Knots are getting worse by the day and the pain is almost unbearable! Can you give me any insight because this is becoming quite scary!! Sincerely: e.h.v.