Thanks for your query.
Noted that you had
Hiatus Hernia Surgery, came home, started eating small amounts of regular food. Then started the problem of
severe nausea to the extent that you can not eat. The stomach is extended and bowel movements are not happening.
Here the most important reason looks to be severe
constipation, may be due to inadequate food intake.
I would advise you the following:
First of all get an enema and oral laxative to clear the intestines of the fecoliths.
This should solve the problem to a greater extent.
Take motility regulator like
Domperidone or Metoclopropamide.
Take antacid 3 hourly and then start orally after one hour of taking all these medicines. I hope this helps you.
If no relief, you need upper GI
endoscopy to see where the problem is.