Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
I would keep a possibility of seborrheic dermatitis, which can present as scaly, red and itchy patches. Scalp and face are usually affected.
On face the patches can involve the eyebrows, glabella (the area between the eyebrows), mustache area, chin, and sides of the nose.
I usually ask my patients of seborrheic dermatitis involvement of face, to use a moderately potent
topical steroid e.g
fluticasone propioante 0.05% cream, twice daily for 2 weeks, thereafter, I ask them to stop using the topical steroid and substitute it with a
topical antifungal cream e.g 2%
ketoconazole, once or twice daily for maintenance.
These are prescription products and therefore I would suggest that you seek an appointment with a
dermatologist in your region for the needful.