I am 46 years old, I have always had a normal cycle. For the first time my cycle seems to off. I started spotting 4 days before my cycle, which lasted only 1 day. a few days later when my cycle was suppose to start It did. A day later I started spotting again. i have been spotting off and on for 5 days. the blood look red, not extremely dark, and it is not pink. just out right red. I am also experiencing cramps, something that I have never had before. I never have cramps. I have also notice heart flutters every now then, I don't feel panic, I do tale note that it is happening. I have great vision, but I have notice on two occasions that my site seems to blur in particular when i tried to read the time on a digital clock. I am wondering are these symptoms of premenopausal, or does it sound like something else. I worried about stuff like cervical cancer.I have made doctor’s appointment.