Hi thanks for asking question.
Mostly you have
peptic ulcer with
stomach upset.
You have no problem regarding defecation right now and you already completed treatment for ulcer.for few days follow below instruction.
Small meal taken at frequent intervals.
Avoid heavy fatty and fried food too much.
Take spicy food minimum.Drink more water.
Avoid smoking.fruit juices taken more.
Meanwhile to relieve irritation of stomach and to sooth it take chamomile or fennel in tea.
Berberine like herbal remedy useful for ulcer.
Cooked oatmeal helpful in soothing stomach.garlic with honey also useful.
If with above remedy no benefit then endoscopy done to see for reccurent ulcer,
chronic gastritis or any inflammatory disease with meanwhile biopsy can be taken.
Ultrasound examination also can be useful as further approach after trying home remedy
I hope my suggestion will help you