i had an ultherapy treatment for hyperhidrosis of my armpits on april 8th 2014. i am male and rather thin, and during the treatment every pulse would send a shocking feeling down the back of my arms to my fingertips as if they were falling asleep. unfortunately the feeling never went away. my left arm is most affected: back of arm tingles, forearm is numb, pinky, ring & middle fingers are hot, swollen & tingly with a feeling of stiffness at my joints. right arm is same but much milder. i also have trouble twisting off my toothpaste cap, zipping up jackets, lifting with my fingers. what did i do to the nerves in my armpit? are they inflamed due to the heat? how long will i take to heal? any information you can offer is greatly appreciated and i thank uou so much for your help.