Hello. My mother passed away on 3-24-12, which happens to be my dad s B-Day. Not too long after that, my dad went back to Alaska to work some more & came back in 9-13. He had a very small 4 wheeler accident that made him have to wear a foot brace. Next thing I know, he s practically helpless in EVERYTHHING. He couldn t or wouldn t take his meds, couldn t cook for himself much less take a shower. The last straw was when he had fallen out of his bed and was lying in a puddle of his own urine. He told me just to leave him there & didn t want to take a shower. He wanted to get back in bed just as he was. I wouldn t let him. That s when I decided to move him in with me, my husband & 5 yr old daughter. His mind was coming & going, to the point that he wasn t making any sense to any of us. He s seen some doctors, some in Alaska, which told him that he had some kind of cancer. What kind or where, we do not know. The doctores in Alpine, TX told him that he was in stage HEP-C and did not have much time to live. He took himself off of 3 of his medications of his own free will and his mind got some of it s clariety back. He gave me POA & MedPOA, transfered all his property and things into my name. He is wheel chair bound because he has atrophied so much, that he can no longer stand, dress himself, bathe or cook forhimself. Muchless remember to take his meds. He drinks a whiskey mixture everyday & is on morphine for pain. His stool is clumpy, yellowish with some purple marks in it. He has said that he had passed blood along with his stool. He has emphazeima & still smokes. His body and breath do have a weird smell even after he s had a shower. I ve looked up colon cancer symptoms and he appears to have almost every one. I ve looked up HEP-C symptoms and get the same results. He DOES NOT want to proceed with any cures or whatever that may prolong his life. He s ready to go. My question is: do any of you think he has cancer and if so, what kind do you think? I am his primary caretacker & all I want is for him to be as comfortable as possible. Meaning that if it is cancer, I would like to put him on the proper pain medication management for it. Thank you for you time and feel free to ask me anything. J