hello,your diet should having vitamin a which is important for
healthy sperm and increased
sperm count which is from red papper ,carrot,oatmeal,dried apicort.secondly vitamin c which is important for
sperm motility and sperm vitality which is from aspargus,snow peas,cooked tomatoes,stawberries.thirdly vitamin e which is for both male and female
fertility increase.then ca which is important for sperm function and motility child devlopment in female which is from yourgut,dried fruits,seeds,green leafy vegetables,chees. then salmon,sardine,wallnuts having DHA and assential omega 3 fatty acid which increased sexual function in both.then eggs,oyester,pumpkin seeds, what gram,pine nuts having zinc.green leafy veg,avocadoes,whole grains beans having
folic acid which decreas the birth defect