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What Do I Do About Continuous Vomiting At 9 Weeks Of Pregnancy?

I was admitted to hospital for severe 9 weeks 2 days pregnant . Suffering from hyperemesis graviderum .So Dr suggested me to take ondem4 md when necessary not regularly.Bt m continuously vomitting.Doxinate not working,infact after taking doxinate I vomit. Wat to do in dis situation only by taking ondem my vomiting nd headache stops.wat to do now
Mon, 1 Jan 2024
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General & Family Physician 's  Response

As doxinate is an A category drug, which may be used at any duration of pregnancy, without any known side effect on pregnant mothers or fetus. This is the only reason, that this drug is prescribed during pregnancy with any kind of vomiting ranging from nausea to hyperemesis gravidarum.

For maximum benefits, it is to be taken empty stomach or at bed time. 2-4 tablets daily may be the dose depending on condition. It is always better to take some crackers or biscuits etc. before getting out of your bed in the morning. For some patients, 2 tablet at bed time may be effective, while some may need 4 tablets daily in the split dose of 1 in the morning, 1 after noon and 2 at bed time.

Though, most of the patients are controlled of their symptom with proper use of doxinate. However, if the symptoms are not controlled, then you may be prescribed some another drug alone or in combination with doxylamine. Ondem 4, is a similar drug almost safe in pregnancy with very low side effect.

Though, it has not been approved yet for vomiting of pregnancy by FDA, still it seems safe with no known side effect on the fetus while being used in first trimester of pregnancy. Still, you are advised to consult your doctor for any further query on the matter.

Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Satnarain Bansal, General & Family Physician
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What Do I Do About Continuous Vomiting At 9 Weeks Of Pregnancy?

Hi, As doxinate is an A category drug, which may be used at any duration of pregnancy, without any known side effect on pregnant mothers or fetus. This is the only reason, that this drug is prescribed during pregnancy with any kind of vomiting ranging from nausea to hyperemesis gravidarum. For maximum benefits, it is to be taken empty stomach or at bed time. 2-4 tablets daily may be the dose depending on condition. It is always better to take some crackers or biscuits etc. before getting out of your bed in the morning. For some patients, 2 tablet at bed time may be effective, while some may need 4 tablets daily in the split dose of 1 in the morning, 1 after noon and 2 at bed time. Though, most of the patients are controlled of their symptom with proper use of doxinate. However, if the symptoms are not controlled, then you may be prescribed some another drug alone or in combination with doxylamine. Ondem 4, is a similar drug almost safe in pregnancy with very low side effect. Though, it has not been approved yet for vomiting of pregnancy by FDA, still it seems safe with no known side effect on the fetus while being used in first trimester of pregnancy. Still, you are advised to consult your doctor for any further query on the matter. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Satnarain Bansal, General & Family Physician