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I would keep a possibility of
Alopecia Areata. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition and commonly present as focal patches of hair loss, most commonly over the
scalp but also can involve the beard as well as moustache, eyebrows, eyelids etc.
Various treatment options in Focal patch of alopecia areata include:
Triamcinolone acetonide is first line treatment in adults followed by other modalities like:
--Topical potent
steroids --Topical
Minoxidil --Topical Anthranalin
--Topical PUVA(psoralens +UVA therapy).
While minoxidil forte 5% is commonly used for male pattern androgenetic alopecia but it is also used for alopecia areata in both males as well as females. Since it has to be applied only over the bald spot, unlike in androgenetic alopecia where it needs to be applied throughout the scalp, therefore it is unlikely to cause side effect(facial hair growth) that can sometimes result from its use over the entire scalp in females.
However I prefer Intra-lesional steroid in my patients of Alopecia areata. It can be repeated after 3 -4 weeks and usually hair regrow after 2 injections, given 3 weeks apart.