Okay so I went to my family doctor 2 months ago about weight loss im only 103lbs but i originally was 160 & lost it all within a span of 3 months. I went in to the er when I noticed a lump on my in my throat close to my jaw that could move up onto my face. They found not only the one I had found but said they felt 6-7, They told me I was going to see a throat specialist in a month& that's the best they could do, so I waited & no call. I got into my family doctor again only about a week ago and told her all of my symptoms once again. I also told her I had started drinking GMC weight gain drink mix to help atleast put meat on my bones. She had asked me several questions about my eating habits & finally left me off with a prescription for zolee, for silent reflex. She gave me another appointment scheduled to be in 2 days, however I noticed only tonight that I now have 2 lumps that are able to move up onto my face. Im scared and just want some peace. I've heard things like cysts, tumors, lymph nodes, to even cancer. Please help.