I have lymphedema and do compression therapy twice a day.For the past 4 years I have noticed thick lumps along my lower ribs that started as just a nuisance. Spoke to a surgeon then and he said he would need to open me up all across my upper abdomen. The are now larger, painful and I have more areas below my ribs. These are painful, they hurt when I breathe, even a gentle touch. I cannot lay in bed on my side, so I have been sleeping in a recliner. I have a history of MRSA and VRSA and have had 12 spinal surgeries, al least 3 were found to have massive infections in my spine and surrounding area. My GP and my pain specialist just blow me off, thinking they are lymph nodes inflamed from my lymphema. No xrays or CT scans have been ordered. I do see my internal medicine Dr. on March 10th. I want to find what these are and what treatment needs to be done. I have a history of uterine cancer in 1985, and both parents died from colon cancer that had spread after several surgeries and chemo. Why do Drs. not listen? I have alot of pain from other issues as my spine and legs, but I think they just thing I'm complaining more....when I am serious and need help, I am age 56 female.