Hi Welcome to HCM.
I would like to start of with additional questions regarding your husband's condition.
1.Did he have any direct injury?
2.How's the inner part of his eye?Any redness/discharge/vision changes noted between the eyes?
3.Or any itching noted?
If it is just a soreness with swollen discolored upperlid ,it could be a
Stye,an infected gland in the lid.
I would suggest you to give him a dose of
Tylenol,and some warm compresses and get an eye examination as he might need an antibiotic
eye drop prescription.
If he remembers any chemical fall in his eye while cleaning the pool,do not wait as they eye needs a good wash as early as possible and prescribed eye drops,again based on the doctor's opinion.
Since his symptoms are just starting off, only a direct examination by your ophthalmologist/ER doctor will help to identify the problem after which it has to be treated accordingly.Ask him not to rub his eyes/prick his pimple again,just to prevent spreading of infections.
Hope this helps with your query.Take care.