respected sir, my husband dr satyapal reddy underwent total thyroidectomy +b/l cervical, paratracheal lymphadenectomy in 2005for papillary cancer-followed by i-131 200mci therapy.started on eltroxin 150.gamma scan in 2006 -normal .multiple 1cm lesions showed in lungs and pleura onCT CHEST-in june 2009.i-131 200mci given in oct-2009followed by gamma scan which showed uptake in left gluteal ,right renal areas.PET CT -in november 2009-showed PET NEGATIVE lesions in lungs,PET POSITIVE lesions inliver ,right kidney and left gluteal area.USG done showed 1.2x1cm lesion in liver and 2x1cm lesion in kidney ,3x2 cm in gluteal area.,3 nodes in neck.Gluteal mass excised -H.P.E-papillary ca.CAN CYBER KNIFE HELP IN OUR CASE TO REMOVE RENAL ,LIVERAND LUNG LESIONS OR DO WE HAVE TO GO FOR SURGERY OR ANOTHER I-131 THERAPY.KINDLY HELP US.