Thank you for posting query at HCM.
HBsAg positive means that your have been infected with HepB virus.
you need to be chacked for HbeAg and
viral load to know your "infectious state".
ONLY positive or high HBeAg and/or viral load will mean that your highly infectious.
It is possible that the virus remains in dormant phase throughout and causes no harm to
liver. Only one fourth of patients infected with HepB virus develop liver
therefore, one cannot be sure about your status. the viral load should be monitored and he needs to repeat test every 6 month or atleast once a year.
without further evaluation , you can not be adviced treatment.
liver enzymes (LFT), HBeAg , and viral load (PCR test) need to be examined. Take results to treating physician or post them at HCM for further advice.
Results of all these together with HBsAg will give a clear picture for treatment.
meanwhile, people close to your friend needs vaccinated and also test for HBsAg.
if any further questions, feel free to ask.
Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .
wish you good health.
Dr Tayyab Malik