MRI findings explained......I m unsure of the diagnosis....I have a Doctor appt to follow up. (Orthopedist surgeon who performed the surgery). I ve had non-stop pain in my shoulder, upper arm, elbow, wrist and now hand, following a rotator cuff repair just over a year ago. It s been dismissed as arthritis in my neck (internist said it s very mild arthritis) and hand. I m not ready to live the rest of my life with this pain which increases when I m at rest, mostly at bedtime. The pain robs me of sleep.....And I do not baby the affected area during the day. I figure movement is probably best as long as I don t overdo it. MRI Findings:Postoperative changes are present with anchoring screw within the greater tuberosity from previous rotator cuff repair. There is moderate partial thickness recurrent undersurface tear noted without definite retraction or full-thickness tear. There is some free fluid in the subacromial bursa and if nonretracted full thickness tear is suspected, MRI arthrogram is recommended. The infraspinatus, biceps, subscapularis, and teres minor are intact.No evidence to suggest labral tear.No evidence of fracture or marrow edema.Mild glenohumeral arthrosis noted with joint effusion. Acromium is type ll with moderate acromioclavicular hypertrophic changes creating moderate impingement in the neutral position. Impression:1. Previous rotator cuff repair with recurrent moderate partial thickness understructure tear. There is free fluid in the subacromial bursa if nonretracted full tear is suspected., MRI arthrogram is recommended.