Hello and welcome to HCM,
I suggest you to take a fasting blood
glucose level and a post prnadial blood glucose level again on the same day.
The fasting blood glucose level should be taken after overnight fasting.
After fasting blood sample, brakfast should be taken followed by post-prandial blood glucose level should be done after two hours.
A fasting blood glucose level more than 126 mg% and post-prnadial blood glucose level of more than 200 mg% is diagnostic of
diabetes mellitus.
Treatment can be started after these two tests are done.
Diabetes Mellitus is of two types- type 1 and type 2.
Type 2 Diabetes occurs in middle life and is commoner of the two types.
Management of Diabetes Mellitus involves diet control, regular exercise and medication.
Management can be planned after clinical assessment and relevant investigations.
Thanks and take care
DR Shailja Puri