I have a hard, very painfull swelling of my left index finger, just below the knuckle. Started as pain and severe itching down deep a bit below the knuckle, next day when woke up it was swollen. Day later it came to head, but small. Sqeezing it produces at first just a dab of white puss, no odor, then only clear fluid, but not much. No matter how hard I sqeeze it, nothing really comes out. The swelling does not appear to have fluid in it, like a cyst. Ran a needs through it in hopes of popping the cycst if it was one, nothing popps, and no blood to speak of. About an 1 inch diameter, slightly warm to tough in center around the head, very sensitive to touch for 3 inch diameter. Then though bite, but head did not form for a day until after the swelling, and there was no indicating of a bite. Please advise thoughts,,, tried peroxide on open head after sqeezing for 3 days, neosporine, also tried doing nothing for 2 days. No change either way, just extremely painfull. thanks,,,