hello im trying to figure out a big mystery, im really crampy around my abdomen and lower back, im really fatigued all the time, im extremely nauseas all the time most days its all day other days its only at certain times, I vomit after sexual intercourse every single time, and my period I had around the 11th of January wasn't a normal period for me, it only lasted about 4 days when they usually last 7 or more and the bleeding wasn't a whole lot it was only spot bleeding on and off and when I stopped on the 4th day I wiped and had a thick clear milky discharge and now I have that discharge once or twice a week, im really scared because the week before this so called period I was told I couldn't have children but now all this is going on and one other thing I have to add in is my breast are fuller and really sensitive, I know most of these symptoms are for a period that's due but I don't think that's the case this time. whats wrong with me? please help