Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Pains like contractions in lower abdomen mainly to the left and center and occasionally to the right is indicative of colitis in presence of changed bowel habits.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Get the stool tests and blood tests done to get an idea.
Added-on a clinical evaluation bya
General Surgeon and further investigations of
ultrasonography may help further.
A trial with an antibiotic,
metronidazole and probiotics may resolve your problems.
If not go for an opinion of a Gastroenterologist ,
colonoscopy and other tests as indicated to get a proper diagnosis.
If anything is found during the course of investigations, get a specific management.
If all the tests are normal then this may most probably a case of IBS that is
irritable bowel syndrome.
Get a control over the stress and/or anxiety and watch for the foods, beverages and any other factors that instigate or enhance the problems t stop these altogether.