Hi there , I have understood your concern and I will suggest you the best possible treatment options.
First of all do not panic.
PAP smears report is showing a kind of
vaginal infection only. It can be treated with medicines.
I will suggest that she should seek prescription support from treating doctor for vaginal suppositoriesor vaginal gel containing
metronidazole,, as on today.
After 14 weeks of pregnancy,a simple hanging drop microscopy examination can be done to know about presence of
bacterial vaginosis. If present, a week long course of Metronidazole tablets 3 times a day will be good enough.
Basic idea of PAP smear during pregnancy is to know if there are any changes at cellular level that can be potentially harmful as far as
cervical cancer is concerned. If there is report of mild, moderate or severe
dysplasia or SIL- Squamous Intra epithelial Lesion then calposcopy is highly recommended.
VIA - Visual examination of cervix with
Acetic acid, is one simple OPD bases test that can give idea about suspicious pathology and can be used as screening test to go ahead for calposcopy.
Calposcopy helps to know about changes in the cellular pattern and blood vessels appearance, that can be pre cancerous. Secondly, as such calposcopy is a non invasive test, its merely inspection of cervix with high magnification. It is not known to increase risk of
Let's follow up on this issue as suggested. Please feel free to communicate again.
I hope this answer helps you.
Dr. Purushottam Neurgaonkar.