Hello greetings
I really appreciate your concern and blood through anus is always a matter of worry.
Looking at your short history, thus could be suggestive of lower gastrointestinal disease preferably related to
anal canal or rectum or intestine
If you can provide me more information I will definitely help you in best possible way
Detailed medical history
Menopausal history
Have you ever noticed similar complaints in the past?
Have you experienced itching or pain around anus.
Please revert back to me with these details so that I will be able to tell you more precisely
meanwhile avoid
constipation by taking laxatives or stool softening agents like
lactulose or
liquid paraffin Avoid prolonged sitting in one posture
Say no to smoking and alcohol
Have lots of dietary fibers and fresh fruits or vegetables to keep colon healthy.
sitz bath twice daily will definitely help you
you should take anti acidity medicines like
pantoprazole or rabeparzole with antacids
Thanks for your question
Wish you good health