Thanks for your concerns.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Need to pass stool within an hour of eating indicates that there may be an inflammatory focus in the intestinal tract or can be IBS that is
irritable bowel syndrome.
Color of the stool depends upon many a factors like transit time of food, the contents of the foods and beverages, action of bile pigments and salts, pancreatic enzymes, bacterial actions on the intestinal contents.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Get the stool tests for three consecutive days.
Tests of blood, particularly for CBC,
Vitamin A and D, liver and kidney function.
Ultrasonography of abdomen followed by CT scan of the abdomen.
Any other tests as per the clinical findings.
All these will lead to a proper diagnosis and proper management. if a particular cause is found it will be treated specifically.
If all the reports are within normal limits then the obvious treatment will depend upon reduction of stress and/or anxiety.
Also identify the foods and beverages that instigate or enhance the symptoms and stop these strictly.