Hello dear, thanks for posting your query!
It looks like you have very severe degree of
anemia ( less
haemoglobin, this is required for supplying oxygen to your body ). Also, regarding
WIDAL test you have just mentioned the dilution that 1: 160 but not the test result as positive or negative. If this is positive, it means you have
typhoid fever and a negative test result says that you don't have. Your urine report is normal and shows no infection.
There is one thing to bother. Severe anemia. You must get a thorough work up with your gynaecologist and also physician who will be able to assess why you have such less haemoglobin.
The reasons could be, heavy menstrual blood loss, poor diet, chronic illness,
malaria, not enough production of blood cells etc. You must not ignore anemia as it may get even worse if untreated and complications may arise due to it. Do get evaluated and treated to have a better quality if life! Hope this information helps! Take care!