I have been lower abdominal/pelvic pain for 9 weeks now. I initially went to the ER when it started and the doctor was 99% sure it was appendicitis but my scan was negative, was sent home with an rx for pain meds and antinausea meds. I went back 2 days later because the pain had gotten worse and had another scan to check again for appendicitis, again it was negative. The doctor then suggested he thought it may be GI related to follow up with a GI doctor. I have since been seen by a GI doctor who performed an EGD and colonoscopy, said he couldn t find a reason gor the pain. I had another scan performed with IV dye and had to drink contrast to check for possible hernias, this scan was also negative. I then followed up with my GYN who has put me on Bentyl for possible colon spasms. I have been taking this for about a week and my pain seems worse and at times feels like it is in the epigastric area along with nausea and vomiting. The only other medicine I take is adderall 20 mgs 3 × day for narcolepsy. I am losing faith in my medical community, I am searching for answers/possibilities, can you please help me? I am a 40 year old, white, female. I have had a complete hysterectomy and no longer have a gall bladder.