Hello, I am a 29 year old female who had a brain MRI without contrast done. The results just arrived in the mail and I m not clear about them. Indication: Common migraine Technique: Multiplanar multi-sequential imaging performed through the brain parenchyma, without contrast. Findings: No evidence of acute intrcranial hemorrage, mass effect, midline shaft, or acute/subacute infarcation. The sulci and ventricles are normal in size for age. There are no extra-axail collections. There is a cavum interpostium noted which impresses upon the internal cerebral veins. The flow voids at the skull base are preserved. The orbits are normal. Mild mucoperiosteal thickening within the ethmoids and along the floor of the left maxillary sinus. Impression: 1. No evidence of acute/subacute infracation. 2. Note is made of a cavum velum interpostium, an anatomic variation. Would someone please help me and explain these results in a language that I can understand before worrying myself?