I had a Ct Of my chest because I was having night seats and had pneumonia 6months ago and the CT done in April showed multiple infiltrates. I received 3 weeks if IV antibiotics, my C-reactive protein level was 98 and cardiac specific was 15 . Since I got out of the hospital I ve been having a constant pain in my rt side under my rib cage. So anyway..the rad requested a follow up in 6 months...which I just did and this Ct come back with 1.6 para tracheal lymph node,shotty less than 1 cm para aortic and aorticpulmonary window lymth nodes identified, the thoracic aorta is unwound and ectatic, no aneurysm all dilitation, shotty bilateral hilar lymph nodes identified...crp is 84 sed rate is normal ACE 10 normal, neg for sarcoid...I have left ventricular hyper trophy on echo.....what does all this mean. Lymphoma? Is my aortic root enlarged because the CT says ectatic but not mentioned as abnormal on my echo